There’s absolute silence at this beach in Nabq Sinai, Egypt
Maximum capacity for this beach is only SIX humans(plus some animal guests)
Behind the mangrove. There’s only sea and the moon.
I was pissed off and cursing every day during my stay in Egypt in summer of 2018. Organizing multiple concerts in Cairo and Alexandria was a lot of work. And I get to be the composer, arranger and the violin player in the band on top of everything else!
I got away from noisy Cairo and went to Shalm el shake which is another spectacular place. My friend took me to this beach in Nabq in Sinai with his mom and their dog Lily.
This beach is controlled by a beduin family and the maximum capacity for guests is only six people! Basically, it’s a private beach.
When I got to this place, I couldn’t believe this place exists on earth, because there was absolutely no sound what so ever!
We started exploring this beach. He said let’s go behind the mangrove.
There was a little space between two mangrove bushes which leads to the open sea.
I could feel something super mystical and majestic as we approach the mangrove.
The moment we passed the mangrove not only there’s no sound, but not even a smell of civilization!
We entered a completely different realm.
We stay there for god knows how long, because it was too beautiful to leave. There was only Moon and the Sea.
Almine said that the nature is in us, not outside of us.
I felt like I became a fish and the moon was part of me.
We kept swimming and took in this beauty until the next morning and headed off to another beach in Dahab!
Photo credit Omar Ali